Available courses

Theories of International Relations

This course is designed to introduce the master’s Students to the theory and practice of International Relations. This course has two broad purposes. First, the course explores the most recent theoretical developments in International Relations literature like post-modernism and feminist theory. In the second place, the present course also tries to introduce the concept of national power and the national interest which are considered the foundation of International Relations studies.

Dipolomatic History of Nepal

Nepal is between the two big Asian countries India and China and occupies a very strategic location where almost all the big countries have special interest due to the existence of Tibetan Region of China in the north of Nepal and the gigantic economically viable plains of India in the south. Nepal itself has been struggling for survival in this location throughout history. Nepal’s rich natural resources are of particular interest to the southern neighbor. Nepal, thus, is a unique example among the small states which has conducted its foreign policy for its survival as well as to satisfy the immediate neighbors and at the same time the bigger countries from outside the region. Thus, the study of Nepal’s foreign policy is of utmost importance to the students of International relations who intend to understand international politics from a small nation’s perspective, especially from that of a country like Nepal.


This course explores the application of Buddhist philosophy and principles to the field of international relations. It examines the role of Buddhism in shaping worldviews, conflict resolution, ethics, and diplomacy. Students will analyze case studies and contemporary issues to understand the practical implications of Buddhist thought in the global context.


This course explores the intersections between Buddhism and the field of Peace Studies. Students will examine Buddhist philosophy, ethics, and practices about concepts of peace, conflict resolution, and social justice. The course will provide a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from religious studies, philosophy, and peace studies to explore how Buddhist principles can contribute to the understanding and promotion of peace.


This course thoroughly explores academic writing, covering key elements such as introduction to academic writing, citation methods, short and long essay writing, academic paper writing, and thesis writing. The emphasis is on developing the skills necessary for effective scholarly communication.

International Security

To provide an understanding of the concept of security at the national

and international level to the students;

• To familiarize them with various theories developed in the security


• To acquaint them with the threats factors in the international system;


• To provide them with an understanding of the instruments developed

by the international community in the maintenance of international

and global security.

Peace, Conflict and Media

The main objective of this course is to impart critical and theoretical

knowledge of the role of media in peace and conflict. It presents

international and national cases to assess this role. Students will develop

the ability to analyze the role played by media for peace and conflict

through this course.

International Migration

Due to the development in transport and communication and increasing

effect of globalization, the world has turned into a global village. People

no more are confined within a state boundary and their mobility have

increased more than ever in this century. It has been a general phenomenon

for anyone to move across their state boundary in search of opportunity for

better life. But at the same time, the rules and regulations adopted by the

states pertaining migration have caused restrictions to people’s movements.

The problems of migrant workers and the refugees have become a great

concern in the international relations. Thus, this course intends to provide

adequate knowledge to the students of International Relations about these


International Humanitarian Law

International relations in the modern world are guided more and more by

humanitarian laws. States, in the name of maintaining law and order, in

their internal politics as well as in dealing with other nations have been

violating humanitarian laws as a result heinous crimes such as crime

against humanity and genocide are on rise every day. The students of

International Relations, thus, should have a clear understanding of

International Humanitarian Laws so that it is easy for them to judge what

is right and what is wrong in the policies adopted by the states of the

world community. The course is designed to give that understanding to the

students of International Relations in Master’s degree.